27 Aug 2018

Florida – Boat Show

NOTE: We regret to say that we will no longer be at the Tampa Boat show.  We will certainly keep you notified of future shows where we will be in attendance.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you! The boat shows in Florida are starting to ramp up!  Check out one of our 4-person Encore Pedal/Electric boats at the Tampa Boat Show, taking place in less than two weeks. Details are as follows:                

Tampa Boat Show

September 7–9, 2018

Tampa Convention Center                                                                Friday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
333 S. Franklin St.                                                                                      Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Tampa FL 33602                                                                                        Sunday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM




  • By mike grelles -

    more info on the escapade p/e model.

    • By Mary Davis -

      Hello – and thank you for your interest in our boats. I am going to E-mail you directly to better discuss our boats. I did want to make sure that you understand that our Escapade Pedal boat is not sold with an electrical component. Our 4-person Encore boat, though, can be sold with that electrical component. I will provide more info to you, via that E-mail.

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