10 Mar 2020

Tour Nauticraft Factory As Part of Muskegon Area Earth Week

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Nauticraft Corporation is thrilled to be hosting a tour of our factory as part of Muskegon Area Earth Week.  Come see how our rotationally molded pedal boats are made.  The event takes place on Tuesday, April 21st from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at 5980 Grand Haven Road, Muskegon, MI  49441.  We hope to see you  here!


If unable to make the tour, come visit us at the Earth Fair Expo.  We will once again be showcasing our Escapade Pedal Boat at  the Expo.  This event is taking place on Saturday, April 25th from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Muskegon Farmer’s Market, 242 W. Western Ave., Muskegon, MI  49440.  


25 Feb 2020

Storing/Docking a Nauticraft Boat

Nauticraft boat owners oftentimes ask what the best way is to store their boat during the off-season as well as suggestions as to how to dock their boat during seasonal months.

The ideal way to store a Nauticraft boat during the off-season (or seasonal) months is on one of our modified Karavan boat trailers (see prior blog posting) and preferably inside a building.  If storing the boat inside is not an option, we would highly recommend it be covered with a trailering cover or a tarp while stored outside in order to keep dirt and debris (as well as critters!) from getting inside of it.

If a trailer is not available, Nauticraft boats can be stored sitting on their keels. The Escapade with its single keel, will need to either lean on a wall in order to keep it upright – or sit on a Storage Cradle.   Nauticraft manufactures and sells Storage Cradles made specifically for the Escapade that securely hold the boat in an upright position.



A Launching Wheel Set is available for the Encore and can be used while the boat is sitting on its two keels (ideally on a hard surface) as well as launching it (see prior posting).  A Styrofoam block may also be placed under the bow of the Encore, thereby giving it additional support.

The Sprite Pedal Boat is a relatively flat-bottomed boat and will easily rest sitting on its keel once the swing up drive units are removed and the rudder is swept up.

Boat lifts can also be used to store a Nauticraft boat when not in use.  Bunk risers added to a Personal Watercraft lift (similar to a lift used for a jet ski) will be needed to help with fitting the deep keels on the boats.

For boats maintained in tidal waters, suggestions are “Tideminders”, a Tidewater Boat Lift or a floating dock, which allow for the rise and fall of waters.

For ease of docking a Nauticraft boat, hand holds have been molded in at the stern of the boat as well as a cross hole thru the bow, all of which allow the boat to be tied off.

Another option is to mount a manual or electric davit to a dock to facilitate taking a boat in/out of the water.  A jib (or gantry) crane and electric hoist would be needed. An Encore or Sprite can then sit on the dock, while a storage cradle for an Escapade would work best for that particular boat. The below pictures reflect an Encore boat hoisted at the factory and how the hand holds and bow hole are used for this purpose. (Note that the boat should not be stored on the hoist.)

The above are just a few of the ways to store/dock a Nauticraft boat.  Nauticraft boat owners have been very creative in what works best for them!


  • Ideally a Nauticraft boat would be stored out of the water and not docked continuously for too many days at a time as the hull will become quite dirty, and barnacles – which are very difficult to remove – will attach to the hull if the boat is stored in salt/brackish water.
  • When storing the boats for a longer period of time, heavier items should not be placed inside the boats as that could possibly affect the shape/components of the boat.



19 Sep 2018


Well – here we are. Summer has come and gone – way too quickly! Cool nights are upon us, leaves are starting to change color and soon we (northerners!) will be shoveling and plowing snow!

With all of that ahead – you may be wondering what you need to do to winterize your Nauticraft boat.

First of all, if you live in a climate that is going to freeze, you will want to take your boat out of the water. Ice can cause damage to the pedal drive system and moving ice flows may also cause the hull to become misshapen.

You will then need to drain any water which may have entered the boat during the year and accumulated between the hulls. This step is especially critical for boats that are stored in freezing weather conditions.

Drain holes for both the Encore & the Sprite can be found at the rear of the boat on the keels. These drain plugs should be removed to allow any water (this should be very minimal) to drain out. MAKE SURE TO REPLACE THE DRAIN PLUGS AFTER THIS PROCESS!

Water in the Escapade should first be pumped out via the bilge pump. A sponge can then be used to clean out any excess water in the Escapade’s bilge.

If you have an electric boat, we suggest disconnecting the battery after charging it fully and then attaching a trickle charger to protect it from becoming too depleted. If storing the battery on a concrete floor, you may want to set it on a piece of wood. This will prevent it from getting too cold and reducing storage capacity.

We highly recommend storing your boat inside. If it is necessary to store it outside, you will want to cover it tightly to keep dirt, moisture and squirrels out. Make sure that the cover is heavy enough so it won’t rip and let water inside. You will also need a support to keep the cover well above the windshield to protect it from the weight of snow accumulation.

You might want to check out the videos on our website which further describe winterizing your pedal, pedal/electric or electric boat. We think that you will find these very helpful!

27 Aug 2018

Florida – Boat Show

NOTE: We regret to say that we will no longer be at the Tampa Boat show.  We will certainly keep you notified of future shows where we will be in attendance.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you! The boat shows in Florida are starting to ramp up!  Check out one of our 4-person Encore Pedal/Electric boats at the Tampa Boat Show, taking place in less than two weeks. Details are as follows:                

Tampa Boat Show

September 7–9, 2018

Tampa Convention Center                                                                Friday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
333 S. Franklin St.                                                                                      Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Tampa FL 33602                                                                                        Sunday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM



2 Jan 2018

Encore Pedal/Electric Boat at the Charlotte County Boat Show

NOTE: Were sorry to say that we will no longer be at this boat show. We will, though, be at the upcoming Big Boys Toy Show coming up in Florida.  More details to follow!! We’re starting off the 2018 New Year with yet another boat show!  Come check out the Encore Pedal/Electric boat at the Charlotte County Boat Show in Florida.  Specifics are as follows:

17th Charlotte County Boat Show

Date: January 11-14, 2018

VenueCharlotte County Fairgrounds

Admission: Free admission to the public and $5 parking.

Address: 2333 El Jobean Road, Port Charlotte, FL, 33948

Hope to see you there!!


27 Sep 2011

Winterizing your Encore Pedal Boat

As Michiganders, we are used to cold and ice…brrrr…feeling it already!  The coldness won’t harm the hull, it’s made of durable polyethylene so it won’t become brittle like other materials exposed to the elements.  Even so, there are things to do to ensure your boat is protected.  The first thing is to take it out of the water if you know it will freeze.  There are all sorts of reasons to do this including damage ice can do the pedal drive system, protecting the seats and other manufactured parts from snow, ice, sleet, etc. and stopping the hull from becoming misshapen by moving ice flows.  These are also good reasons to keep it covered.  If you leave it outdoors, use a support to keep the cover well above the windshield to protect it from the weight of snow accumulation.

    • Raise the bow end of the boat; set it on a large block of Styrofoam (12″ x 12″ x 12″)which is placed somewhere between the bow and the front compartment.  This will allow water within the channels and the drive shafts to run out.
    •  Remove the drain plugs to allow any water which may have accumulated within the hull to drain out.  There shouldn’t be much, if any.  MAKE SURE TO REPLACE THE DRAIN PLUGS AFTER THIS PROCESS!
    • Remove the battery if it has one.  Store it in a garage or something like it, off of the concrete.  You can put it on a trickle charger periodically during the cold season to protect it from becoming too depleted.

    Contact Nauticraft by email or phone at (888) 709-7097 with any specific questions you may have concerning this subject.

24 Jan 2011

Encore Fishing Boat

The Encore Electric fishing model needs a name, any suggestions?

I am asking once again for input in what options would be best used on the fishing boat.  Rod holders, electrical options, tackle organizers, bait holders just to name a few.  What would you recommend to include in the standard package as well as options most used and required for fishing on small inland lakes.  Thank you for participating!